
Auctoritas is our auditing service to find out if your website or application is accessible and the extent to which. We analyze your situation taking into account the approved regulations on accessibility. You will get a diagnosis of your situation with the errors that must be corrected, if it has. All reports are personalised and adapted depending on your needs, for example, if you need the Accessibility Observatory model for public organisations or one for developers.
Regulations analyzed
RD 1112/2018
RD 1112/2018 of September 7 and the EN 301 549 v2.1.2 (WCAG 2.1) standard
To consider…
Increasingly, Public Administrations and private companies that offer services encourage citizens to engage with them through the Internet, but not all people can do so under the same conditions.
In Spain, over one million individuals who are completely prevented from accessing Internet content and services. If we add those who have more or less serious difficulties due to their physical limitations or their age, the number reaches 16 million, approximately 35% of the population.