The Quality Policy of Accesit Inclusivo, S.L., a company dedicated to the development of applications to facilitate web accessibility for people with disabilities, has the sole and exclusive purpose of achieving the accessibility of information on the Internet for those who have been digitally excluded.
We have achieved this, and we will continue to achieve it, applying our philosophy “Accessibility for some people is essential, for all it is necessary”, based on the development of applications:
- UNIVERSAL. Capable of working on any platform and in the most used browsers.
- AT NO COST TO THE USER. They are offered integrated with the website visited.
- ADAPTABLE. According to the capabilities and needs of each user.
- INNOVATIVE. Without affecting in any way the design or functionality of the web page visited.
- ACCESSIBLE. For everyone, by having the collaboration of people with diverse abilities.
- ALWAYS AVAILABLE. Cloud solutions.
- THEY MEET LEGAL REQUIREMENTS. They comply with RD 1112/2018 of September 7 and the EN 301 549 v2.1.2 (WCAG 2.1) standard.
The Management of this company is convinced that this can only be achieved through:
- Firm commitment to the continuous improvement of our processes and services, as well as our quality management system.
- Commitment to compliance with the legal requirements and those of the parties interested in our activity.
This Policy must be understood and assumed by everyone, considering this Directorate as the first to embrace the described guidelines.
Annually, objectives consistent with the above will be defined, which we must all try to meet.
Rafael Amorós, manager
Castellón, July 1, 2023